Need Emergency Relief?

blog_dentistpicIt’s 9 o’clock on a Sunday night and your front tooth is in the palm of your hand. You just bit into an apple and now have only half a tooth. Do not panic. The following information will help you temporarily handle common dental emergencies.  Call the office on 604-987-4321 as soon as possible to schedule an appointment.

Do you have a Broken or Chipped Tooth?

Place soft wax onto the chipped area as this will avoid further aggravating the damaged tooth. Eat only soft foods and avoid hot and cold drinks. If possible, collect all pieces of the tooth to bring to your dentist.

emergencyDo you have a Knocked-Out Tooth?

If you can, place the tooth back in place while on your way to see the dentist. If this is not possible put the tooth in milk or saline in order to keep the root moist and protect against bacteria. If bleeding, rinse with water and bite down on a piece of gauze.

Do you have an Ulcer, Canker or Mouth Sores?

While uncomfortable these sores tend to heal on their own. To ease discomfort, apply an over-the-counter medicine like Oracort. Knowing what triggers canker sores for you (i.e. stress, spicy foods) can reduce the frequency of sore outbreaks. If the sores do not heal after 14 days, are accompanied by a fever or appear to be infected call your dentist.

Do you have a Toothache?

An over-the-counter pain medication can help to relieve pain. Toothaches are often a sign of infection in or around a tooth and must be checked by a dentist.